Materials Science and Technology of Polymers

Selected list of collaborators and collaborations past and present (alphabetic order)

Prof. Heinrich F. Arlinghaus, Münster University, Germany (surface science, secondary ion mass spectrometry)

Dr. William Birch, Institute for Materials Research and Engineering - IMRE, Singapore (antibiofouling surfaces)

Dr. Fabio Biscarini & Dr. Paolo Samori, CNR, Bologna, Italy (nanostructured responsive surfaces for biomedical applications, within the ForceTool STREP)

Prof. Antony S. Clare, Dr. Nick Aldred, Newcastle University, UK (marine biology, protein adhesion)

Prof. Martien A. Cohen-Stuart, Wageningen University, The Netherlands (polymer colloids, charged surfaces)

Prof. Jan Feijen, University of Twente, The Netherlands (bionanotechnology, drug delivery with PFS polyions, biodegradable hybrid organic-organometallic block copolymers)

Prof. Curt W. Frank, Stanford University, USA (thin polymer films)

Prof. Ming Yong Han, Dr. Nikodem Tomczak, Dr. Dominik Janczewski, Institute for Materials Research and Engineering - IMRE - and National University of Singapore, Singapore (single molecule optics, Quantum Dots)

Prof. Ulf Gedde , KTH Stockholm, Sweden (atomic force microscopy of polymer single crystals)

Prof. S.Y. Gu, Tongji University, Shanghai, China (mechanical properties of electrospun nanofibers)

Prof. Jennifer Herek, University of Twente, The Netherlands (molecular photonics)

Dr. Henrik Hillborg, ABB, Sweden (industrial nanotechnology, PDMS surface science)

Dr. Christian Hinderling & Dr. Harry Heinzelmann, Centre Suisse d Electronique et de Microtechnique SA (CSEM) Neuchâtel, Switzerland (nanofabrication with organic-organometallic block copolymers)

Prof. Peter Hinterdorfer, Linz University, Austria (biorecognition, single molecule AFM, within the ForceTool EU-STREP)

Prof. Niek F. van Hulst & Prof. Maria Garcia-Parajo, ICFO, Barcelona, Spain (molecular photonics)

Prof. Jurriaan Huskens, University of Twente (macromolecular nanofabrication, single molecule force spectroscopy, nanoimprinting)

Dr. Toby Jenkins, University of Bath, UK (electrochemistry of organometallic polymers, designer surfaces)

Prof. Wolfgang Knoll, Dr. Renate Förch, MPI for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany (photonics and thin films, surface plasmon resonance, designer surfaces for bioengineering)

Dr. Stephan Kooij, University of Twente, The Netherlands (ellipsometry of thin polymer films)

Prof. E. Kramer, University of California at Santa Barbara (block copolymers, GJV sabbatical leave as visiting professor)

Prof. D. Lohse, University of Twente (AFM of surface nanobubbles)

Prof. Ian Manners, University of Bristol, UK (synthesis and materials chemistry of poly(ferrocenylsilanes))

Dr. C. Mills, PCB Barcelona, Spain (cell adhesion studies; within the Nano2Life EU NoE)

Prof. Helmuth Möhwald, Max-Planck Institute (MPI) for Surface & Colloid Science, Golm, Germany (stimulus responsive organometallic microcapsules)

Prof. Sebastian Munoz-Guerra, Technical University of Barcelona, Spain (nanoscale polymer morphology by AFM)

Prof. Josep A. Planell, IBEC Barcelona, Spain (cell culture studies, osteoblasts within the BIOPOLYSURF Research Training Network)

Prof. Bela Pukanszky, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary (nanostructured polymer materials, polymer nanocomposites)

Prof. David N. Reinhoudt, University of Twente, The Netherlands (supramolecular chemistry and forces of single molecules, atomic force microscopy, single molecule photonics)

Prof. M. Rinaudo, Fourier University, Grenoble, France (single molecule force spectroscopy of polysaccharides)

Prof. Guido la Rosa, University of Catania, Italy (nanomechanics and nanoscale morphology of polymers)

Prof. Caroline A. Ross & Prof. Edwin (Ned) L. Thomas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Materials Science Department, USA (nanolithography with organic-organometallic block copolymers)

Prof. J. Sakdapinanich, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand (Membrane structure and nanoscale morphology of natural latex)

Dr. J. Schnekenburger, University of Münster, Germany (cell - surface interactions, within the Nano2Life EU NoE)

Prof. Rint Sijbesma, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands (foldamers, H-bonded supramolecular structures)

Dr. Thomas Stöckli, CSEM, Alpnach, Switzerland (catalytic nanopatterned surfaces for carbon nanotube growth)

Dr. Duncan Sutherland, iNANO Aarhus, Danemark (protein and cell adhesion, within the FRONTIERS EU NoE)

Dr. Serena Teo, National University of Singapore, Singapore (antibiofouling surfaces, barnacle biology).

Prof. Marcus Textor, Prof. Janos Vörös, ETH-Zürich, Switzerland (science and technology of nanoscale designer surfaces for biomedical applications, ASMENA EU project)

Ir. L.G.J. van der Ven, AKZO-Nobel (in-situ nanoindentaion of alkyd coatings during drying)

Dr. Szczepan Zapotoczny, Jagellonian University, Cracow, Poland (polymer photochemistry, surface engineering, single molecule polymer nanotechnology)

Prof. Xi Zhang, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (single molecule force spectroscopy)

Institutional collaborations

Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR, Singapore (macromolecular nanophotonics, biofouling)

BIOPOLYSURF, EU Research Training Network (polymer bio-nanotechnology)

ForceTool EU STREP (to develop the new generation AFMs; Prof. R. Garcia, CSIC Madrid)

FRONTIERS EU FP6 NoE (nanotechnology in life sciences; various groups)

Nano2Life (The first European Network of Excellence in the field of nanobiotechnology supported by the European Commission under the 6th Framework)

ASMENA Functional assays for membrane proteins on nanostructured supports, EU 7th framework.

EFRO-FLEX PRO (Flexible Production) OP-Oost Nederland

EFRO-GO / ERDF  European Regional and Development Fund (Nanotech Isolation Project)

Sanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences